Here at Bayou Blue Presbyterian Church I do a number of
things from research, to advocacy to educational outreach. Bayou Blue partners
with Project Homecoming (where my roommate works) every Wednesday when there
are volunteers down (to help rebuild from Katrina) I either give a presentation
or I take them out to Bayou Sauvage, a national wildlife reserve inside the
city of New Orleans, on a boardwalk tour of the Bayou. I attend meetings with
an organization called the Horizon Initiative (HI), they are a collection of
business owners, nonprofit professionals, university researchers and professors
and policy analysts concerned with issues surrounding how we handle our water
in what we call ‘inside the levy’. The HI community has engaged with Dutch engineers
to help us develop solutions to these issues that we can advocate for here in
New Orleans. Everyone in the HI community understands that what happens inside
the levy and how we deal with our water issues impacts people ‘down bayou’ or
in rural southeastern Louisiana. These people live in communities that are
typically not protected by levees or ‘outside the levy’. I mention the
communities outside the levees because Bayou Blue Presbyterian Church is in one
of those communities. That, by the way, is the short and easy description of
what I do.
A crucial part of the YAV program is the fundraising that I
have to do, this is important since the fundraising provides for our monthly
stipend and rent. The program pays half and I have to fundraise the other half.
This fundraising is important for a number of reasons, mainly because then I have
to invite you in, into this year and this community. Which I have tried to do,
perhaps not as successfully as I (or you) would have liked. But I still need help; I still have to raise $3265.00
before the beginning of August. If you would like to donate any amount is appreciated,
as they say ‘every penny counts’.
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